
Yoni Seat

  • $20.00
  • $30.00
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- 33%

Includes: 1 Yoni Steaming packets  + Yoni Steaming Seat

Benefits: Used by women for centuries as a form of hydrotherapy to support:

  • Feminine health and confidence
  • Vaginal cleansing


DiRECTIONS: Add 1/2 packet of  herbs or how much you would like to use its up to you, into steaming water (110-115 degrees F or 43-46 degrees C) that you have boiled on stove and placed hot water into our Yoni Steaming Seat. "Always make sure before you do a treatment that you have a clean and sanitized toilet before placing your seat onto toilet and always clean and sterilize after each use to avoid contamination and bacteria and store seat in a clean plastic bag I spray with alcohol and seal bag until next use." Once you are out the shower and have cleaned your yoni have a seat on toilet lid with yoni set underneath lid and Let the steam rise to cleanse your vaginal area. It may be more relaxing to listen to some nice jazz with a towel laid over your lap to trap the steam. Please  Be careful to avoid burns. Once water turns cool and your down pour water off seat into toilet and throw away your herbs if you have any plumbing issues herbs do not dissolve in drain and can cause a build up so throw away for safety.


Warning:Enjoy and always remember this is not for Pregnant women or women with IUD's, breastfeeding, do not use if you have any issues or internal devices at all or while doing vitro fertilization as well, Make sure your not allergic to herbs as well,  it is best to contact your doctor before Yoni steaming however it is as natural as a bath, but its the herbs that you use that can cause muscle tightness etc and is not recommended in some some situations.  We are not a doctor and this is not a remedy for any type of Diseases. But will definitely help with soothing hemorrhoids, fibroids, healing after birth and other issues that you may want to use this treatment for.

Yoni seats are brand new and manufacture has some blemishes in the color of the seats this is normal they said and cannot be helped when manufacturing seats. I am looking into another manufacture with other colors but all mine are pink,


Recommendation:Once you are done apply our Yoni Oil and you will feel renewed.
